Source code for saltext.cloudflare_tunnel.states.cloudflare_tunnel_mod

Cloudflare Tunnel State Module

This module is used to manage Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnels

    CloudFlare python module
        This module requires the python wrapper for the CloudFlare API.

    Cloudflared Tunnel Client
        This module requires that the cloudflared utility to be installed.

:configuration: This module can be used by specifying the name of a
    configuration profile in the minion config, minion pillar, or master
    config. The module will use the 'cloudflare' key by default

    For example:

    .. code-block:: yaml


    API Token with permissions to create CloudFlare Tunnels

    CloudFlare Account ID, this can be found on the bottom right of the Overview page for your
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = "cloudflare_tunnel"

def __virtual__():
    if "cloudflare_tunnel.get_tunnel" not in __salt__:
        return False, "The 'cloudflare_tunnel' execution module is not available"
    return __virtualname__

[docs] def present(name, ingress): """ Ensure the tunnel is present The following parameters are required: name This is the name of the Cloudflare Tunnel to create ingress These are the rules to add, can specify multiple It will also add a default catch-all rule See `docs < install-and-setup/tunnel-guide/local/local-management/configuration-file>`_ for config details CLI Example: .. code-block:: yaml cloudflare_tunnel.present: - name: test_cf_tunnel - ingress: - hostname: service: path: test-past originRequest: httpHostheader: something - hostname: service: """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": None, "comment": ""} tunnel = __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.get_tunnel"](name) create_tunnel = True create_dns = [] remove_dns = [] update_config = False config_service = True config_changes = {"old": [], "new": []} if tunnel: if tunnel["name"] == name: create_tunnel = False config = __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.get_tunnel_config"](tunnel["id"]) if config: for rule in ingress: if rule not in config["config"]["ingress"]: update_config = True config_changes["new"].append( {"hostname": rule["hostname"], "service": rule["service"]} ) # Check if there any existing rules that need to be removed for rule in config["config"]["ingress"]: if rule not in ingress: config_changes["old"].append( {"hostname": rule["hostname"], "service": rule["service"]} ) update_config = True if "hostname" in rule: if not any(rule["hostname"] in d.values() for d in ingress): dns = __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.get_dns"](rule["hostname"]) if dns: remove_dns.append(dns["name"]) else: update_config = True config_changes["new"] = ingress else: update_config = True config_changes["new"] = ingress for rule in ingress: if "hostname" in rule: dns = __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.get_dns"](rule["hostname"]) if not dns: create_dns.append(rule["hostname"]) if __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.is_connector_installed"](): config_service = False if not (create_tunnel or create_dns or update_config or config_service or remove_dns): ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = f"Cloudflare Tunnel {name} is already in the desired state" return ret if create_tunnel: if __opts__["test"]: ret["comment"] = f"Tunnel {name} will be created" return ret tunnel = __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.create_tunnel"](name) ret["changes"].setdefault("tunnel created", name) ret["result"] = True ret["comment"] = f"Cloudflare tunnel {name} was created" if update_config: if __opts__["test"]: ret["comment"] = "Tunnel config will be created/updated" return ret __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.create_tunnel_config"](tunnel["id"], {"ingress": ingress}) ret["changes"].setdefault("tunnel config", config_changes) ret["result"] = True if create_dns: if __opts__["test"]: for dns in create_dns: ret["comment"] = "\n".join([ret["comment"], f"DNS {dns} will be created"]) return ret for dns in create_dns: dns = __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.create_dns"](dns, tunnel["id"]) ret["changes"][dns["name"]] = { "content": dns["content"], "type": dns["type"], "proxied": dns["proxied"], "comment": dns["comment"], "result": "Added", } ret["result"] = True if remove_dns: if __opts__["test"]: for dns in remove_dns: ret["comment"] = "\n".join([ret["comment"], f"DNS {dns} will be removed"]) return ret for hostname in remove_dns: __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.remove_dns"](hostname) ret["changes"][hostname] = { "result": "Removed", } ret["result"] = True if config_service: if __opts__["test"]: ret["comment"] = "Cloudflare connector will be installed" return ret if tunnel: __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.install_connector"](tunnel["id"]) ret["changes"].setdefault("connector installed and started", True) ret["result"] = True else: ret["result"] = False ret["comment"] = "Tunnel not found, could not configure the connector" return ret return ret
[docs] def absent(name): """ Ensure tunnel is absent name This is the name of the Cloudflare Tunnel to delete CLI Example: .. code-block:: yaml cloudflare_tunnel.absent: - name: test_cf_tunnel """ ret = {"name": name, "changes": {}, "result": None, "comment": ""} tunnel = __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.get_tunnel"](name) if tunnel: tunnel_name = tunnel["name"] if __opts__["test"]: ret["comment"] = f"Cloudflare Tunnel {tunnel_name} will be deleted" return ret # Check to see if there is a tunnel config, which will contain a hostname that we will # need to delete from DNS tunnel_config = __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.get_tunnel_config"](tunnel["id"]) if tunnel_config: __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.remove_connector"]() ret["changes"].setdefault("connector", "removed") ret["result"] = True dns_changes = [] for rule in tunnel_config["config"]["ingress"]: if "hostname" in rule: hostname = rule["hostname"] dns = __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.get_dns"](hostname) if dns: dns_name = dns["name"] __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.remove_dns"](dns["name"]) dns_changes.append(f"{dns_name} removed") ret["result"] = True ret["changes"]["dns"] = dns_changes __salt__["cloudflare_tunnel.remove_tunnel"](tunnel["id"]) ret["comment"] = f"Cloudflare Tunnel {tunnel_name} has been removed" ret["changes"].setdefault("tunnel", f"removed {tunnel_name}") ret["result"] = True else: ret["comment"] = f"Cloudflare Tunnel {name} does not exist" ret["result"] = True return ret