Source code for saltext.cloudflare_tunnel.modules.cloudflare_tunnel_mod

# pylint: disable=unused-import
Module for Setting up CloudFlare Zero Trust Tunnels

    CloudFlare python module
        This module requires the python wrapper for the CloudFlare API.

    Cloudflared Tunnel Client
        This module requires that the cloudflared utility to be installed.

:configuration: This module can be used by specifying the name of a
    configuration profile in the minion config, minion pillar, or master
    config. The module will use the 'cloudflare' key by default

    For example:

    .. code-block:: yaml


    API Token with permissions to create CloudFlare Tunnels

    CloudFlare Account ID, this can be found on the bottom right of the Overview page for your
import logging

import salt.exceptions
import salt.utils
import saltext.cloudflare_tunnel.utils.cloudflare_tunnel_mod as cf_tunnel_utils

    import CloudFlare

    HAS_LIBS = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_LIBS = False

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__virtualname__ = "cloudflare_tunnel"

def __virtual__():
    # Check to make sure the python wrapper for CloudFlare and the CloudFlare CLI are installed
    if not salt.utils.path.which("cloudflared"):
        return (
            "The cloudflare execution module cannot be loaded: "
            + "cloudflared cli is not installed",

    if HAS_LIBS:
        return __virtualname__

    return (
        "The cloudflare execution module cannot be loaded: "
        "Cloudflare Python module is not installed.",

def _simple_tunnel(tunnel):
    Simplify the results returned from the API
    return {
        "status": tunnel["status"],
        "id": tunnel["id"],
        "name": tunnel["name"],
        "account_tag": tunnel["account_tag"],

def _simple_zone(zone):
    Simplify the results returned from the API
    return {"id": zone["id"], "name": zone["name"], "status": zone["status"]}

def _simple_dns(dns):
    Simplify the results returned from the API
    return {
        "id": dns["id"],
        "name": dns["name"],
        "type": dns["type"],
        "content": dns["content"],
        "proxied": dns["proxied"],
        "zone_id": dns["zone_id"],
        "comment": dns["comment"],

def _simple_config(tunnel_config):
    Simplify the results returned from the API
    return {"tunnel_id": tunnel_config["tunnel_id"], "config": tunnel_config["config"]}

def _get_tunnel_token(tunnel_id):
    Generates a tunnel token to be used when installing the cloudflared connector
    api_token = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("api_token")
    account = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("account")

    return cf_tunnel_utils.get_tunnel_token(api_token, account, tunnel_id)

def _get_zone_id(domain_name):
    Gets the Zone ID from supplied domain name.

    Zone ID is used in the majority of cloudflare api calls. It is the unique ID
    for each domain that is hosted

        Domain name of the zone_id you want to get
    api_token = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("api_token")

    zone_details = None
    # Split the dns name to pull out just the domain name to grab the zone id
    domain_split = domain_name.split(".")
    domain_length = len(domain_split)
    domain = f"{domain_split[domain_length - 2]}.{domain_split[domain_length - 1]}"

    zone_details = cf_tunnel_utils.get_zone_id(api_token, domain)

    if zone_details:
        ret_zone_details = {}
        ret_zone_details = _simple_zone(zone_details[0])
        return False

    return ret_zone_details

[docs] def get_tunnel(tunnel_name): """ Get tunnel details for the supplied name tunnel_name User friendly name of the tunnel CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' cloudflare_tunnel.get_tunnel sample-tunnel Returns a dictionary containing the tunnel details if successful or ``False`` if tunnel doesn't exist """ account = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("account") api_token = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("api_token") tunnel = cf_tunnel_utils.get_tunnel(api_token, account, tunnel_name) if not tunnel: return False return _simple_tunnel(tunnel[0])
[docs] def create_tunnel(tunnel_name): """ Create a cloudflare configured cloudflare tunnel tunnel_name User friendly name for the tunnel CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' cloudflare_tunnel.create_tunnel example_tunnel_name Returns a dictionary containing the tunnel details if successful or ``False`` if it already exists """ account = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("account") api_token = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("api_token") tunnel = get_tunnel(tunnel_name) if tunnel: return (False, f"Tunnel {tunnel_name} already exists") else: tunnel = cf_tunnel_utils.create_tunnel(api_token, account, tunnel_name) return _simple_tunnel(tunnel)
[docs] def remove_tunnel(tunnel_id): """ Delete a cloudflare tunnel tunnel_id tunnel uuid to remove CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' cloudflare_tunnel.remove_tunnel <tunnel uuid> Returns ``True`` if tunnel removed """ api_token = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("api_token") account = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("account") tunnel = cf_tunnel_utils.remove_tunnel(api_token, account, tunnel_id) if tunnel: return True else: raise salt.exceptions.ArgumentValueError(f"Unable to find tunnel with id {tunnel_id}")
[docs] def get_dns(dns_name): """ Get DNS details for the supplied dns name dns_name DNS record name CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' cloudflare_tunnel.get_dns Returns a dictionary containing the dns details or ``False`` if it does not exist """ api_token = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("api_token") zone = _get_zone_id(dns_name) if zone: dns = cf_tunnel_utils.get_dns(api_token, zone["id"], dns_name) if dns: dns_details = {} dns_details = dns[0] else: return False else: raise salt.exceptions.ArgumentValueError(f"Zone not found for dns {dns_name}") return _simple_dns(dns_details)
[docs] def create_dns(hostname, tunnel_id): """ Create cname record for the tunnel hostname DNS record name tunnel_id tunnel uuid CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' cloudflare_tunnel.create_dns tunnel_id Returns a dictionary containing the dns details """ api_token = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("api_token") zone = _get_zone_id(hostname) if zone: # Split the dns name to pull out just the domain name to grab the zone id domain_split = hostname.split(".") dns = get_dns(hostname) dns_data = { "name": domain_split[0], "type": "CNAME", "content": f"{tunnel_id}", "ttl": 1, "proxied": True, "comment": "DNS managed by SaltStack", } if dns: # If DNS exist, check to see if it is pointing to the correct tunnel if dns["content"] != f"{tunnel_id}": dns = cf_tunnel_utils.create_dns(api_token, zone["id"], dns_data, dns["id"]) else: dns = cf_tunnel_utils.create_dns(api_token, zone["id"], dns_data) else: raise salt.exceptions.ArgumentValueError( f"Cloudflare zone not found for hostname {hostname}" ) return _simple_dns(dns)
[docs] def remove_dns(hostname): """ Delete a cloudflare dns entry hostname DNS record to remove CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' cloudflare_tunnel.remove_dns Returns ``True`` if successful """ api_token = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("api_token") dns = get_dns(hostname) if dns: ret_dns = cf_tunnel_utils.remove_dns(api_token, dns["zone_id"], dns["id"]) if ret_dns: return True else: raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError("Issue removing DNS entry") else: raise salt.exceptions.ArgumentValueError(f"Could not find DNS entry for {hostname}")
[docs] def get_tunnel_config(tunnel_id): """ Get a cloudflare tunnel configuration tunnel_id tunnel uuid to get the config of CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' cloudflare_tunnel.get_tunnel_config <tunnel uuid> Returns a dictionary containing the tunnel configuration details or ``False`` if it does not exist """ api_token = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("api_token") account = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("account") tunnel_config = cf_tunnel_utils.get_tunnel_config(api_token, account, tunnel_id) if tunnel_config["config"] is None: return False return _simple_config(tunnel_config)
[docs] def create_tunnel_config(tunnel_id, config): """ Create a cloudflare tunnel configuration See /tunnel-guide/local/local-management/configuration-file/ for config options Automatically adds the catch-all rule http_status:404 tunnel_id tunnel uuid to add the config to config ingress rules for the tunnel CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' cloudflare_tunnel.create_tunnel_config <tunnel uuid> \ '{ingress : [{hostname": "test", "service": "https://localhost:8000" }]}' Returns a dictionary containing the tunnel configuration details """ api_token = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("api_token") account = __salt__["config.get"]("cloudflare").get("account") if {"service": "http_status:404"} not in config["ingress"]: config["ingress"].append({"service": "http_status:404"}) tunnel_config = cf_tunnel_utils.create_tunnel_config( api_token, account, tunnel_id, {"config": config} ) if not tunnel_config: raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError("There was an issue creating the tunnel config") return _simple_config(tunnel_config)
[docs] def is_connector_installed(): """ Check if connector service installed CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' cloudflare_tunnel.is_connector_installed Returns ``True`` if it installed or ``False`` if it is not """ return __salt__["service.available"]("cloudflared")
[docs] def install_connector(tunnel_id): """ Install the connector service tunnel_id tunnel uuid to connect cloudflared to CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' cloudflare_tunnel.install_connector <tunnel uuid> Returns ``True`` if successful """ token = _get_tunnel_token(tunnel_id) output = __salt__[""](f"cloudflared service install {token}") if "installed successfully" not in output: raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError("Error installing connector") return True
[docs] def remove_connector(): """ Remove the connector service CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' cloudflare_tunnel.remove_connector Returns ``True`` if successful """ # Check to see if connector is installed as a service before removing. if __salt__["service.available"]("cloudflared"): output = __salt__[""]("cloudflared service uninstall") if "uninstalled successfully" not in output: raise salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError("Error uninstalling connector") return True